The Indices – In the Clutches of Minds EP Review

In 2008, Dorchester band The Indices formed and began their journey to deliver a melting pot of musicality to the venues around Dorchester. Fast forward a few years and the four piece indie band have brought out their first EP ‘In the Clutches of Minds’ and are preparing for their EP launch at Water Rats in London on 15 June.

In the Clutches of Minds opening track ‘Spite You’ sets up the mood for the rest of the EP with snarling bass lines and a sound reminiscent of late 90s indie groups with a hint of Placebo lead singer Brian Molko style vocals.

‘Only at the Weekends’ is the gem of the EP you can’t help but want to shake your tail feather, not in a Scouting for Girls toe tapping way, but in a Jet too cool for school nodding way. The track has a mysterious dark side, asking you to question who that friend is. Girlfriend, mate down the pub or something darker to help escape the mundane 9-5.

‘Mystery Love’ changes the tempo of the EP with lyrics showing more emotion  with a slightly haunting melancholy vibe. At 6 minutes long it could seem self indulgent with all four members showcasing their musical talents but for the audience ‘it’s easy on the eye and easy on the mind’.

‘Sing her to Sleep’ has a youthful exuberance skipping along with real zeal from start to finish, a sharp comparison to the angst ridden lyrics which belies the track.

In the Clutches of Minds is so much better than alright: it’s more than a little bit brilliant.

Available to download now from iTunes or listen to on Sound Cloud and Spotify

Find out more about The Indices: join their Facebook page and follow them on Twitter @the_indices.

Forthcoming gigs:

Saturday 4th June – The Borough Arms aka Goldies, Dorchester
Wednesday 15th June – The Water Rats, London

Read The Indices interview with brothers Martin and Charles Carter here –


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