2017 New Year’s Resolutions

Oh gawd how is it nearly the end of December & almost the final sunset for 2016? 

Although to be fair I think most people will be glad to see the back of this year, myself included. Anyhow, it’s that time of year again to reflect & set new resolutions for the year ahead. I was almost going to shun it this year. Sometimes just the thought of making resolutions starts to make me panic.

Last year I posted my 2016 resolutions in January & set 5 goals, some I did better on than others:

  1. Read more. I haven’t kept count exactly, but definitely think it’s less than 10 which is pretty poor. I’ve started using the Goodreads app, so hopefully this will keep me on track for 2017.
  2. Eat healthier. I got off to such a great start at the beginning of the year full of vigour with my shiny new nutribullet, tea detoxes, piloxing & I even attended a Vitality Brunch event. It was all so healthy that it actually made me sick before my holiday. So, everything needs to be done within moderation. That said a Maccie D’s every week is probably not ideal for the bikini body.
  3. Learn to use my DSLR & photograph more. Well, I acquired my dream camera the Olympus Pen in February which looks oh so pretty, but sadly I just haven’t done it justice. I did switch phones from the iPhone 6 to the Samsung Galaxy Edge 7 which I must admit does trump the iPhone & has upped my Instagram game (becky_wren)
  4. Have more adventures. Yep, going on a girls surf camp to Morocco was my big adventure & a weekend away SUP’ing at Lake Wimbleball was pretty awesome too. I also bought a second hand SUP & been out paddle boarding a few times this winter.
  5. Blog more. Hmm… yes, I know, this one didn’t quite happen. Again I started off full of excitement, stacks of ideas & then I started a new job at the end of March. And everything just kind of got busy & I fell out of sync with writing for me & worrying about pleasing everyone else.

So what does 2017’s resolutions look like?

I was reading the lovely Louise Croft’s post over at Pauper to Princess where she used a template from blogger Secret Owl & it gave me some inspiration to do something a little bit different. This template has more of a laid back thought provoking approach rather than setting hard hitting goals which set you up to fail.

So, here’s a snap shot of my 2017 resolutions. It’s a real mix of actions & feelings.

I won’t go through all of them, but here’s a few that stand out:

  • Organise – I’m pretty chuffed as I’ve already KonMari the hell out of my office this afternoon & finally de-cluttered some boxes from a previous company I left 2 and half years ago! Plans are already in play for doing up my ensuite & the garage needs a rainy day to declutter my old school & Uni files. 
  • Gain – a new job. Yep, my secondment in PR & Social Media comes to an end in March & it will be on to the next adventure – whatever that might be, which is kind of exciting & daunting.
  • Travel to – I’m hoping by putting Sri Lanka in writing is a step closer for Dan & I to actually go either later this year or for New Year. It will definitely be an adventure & will help me with my other goals of improving my surf / SUP skills.
  • Do less – stressing & worrying what others think! This applies to my parents, friends & work colleagues. I’m a typical cancerian & take things to heart & stress about what people say or think for far too long. Hopefully with ‘doing more’ yoga will help me find some inner peace & stress less.
  • Practice – always! I had the horses in mind when I thought of this one, but it applies to everything. Even when I go for a quick ride up the road you need to be ‘on it’ & working the horse in the right outline, thinking about your position etc. It goes for any sport, work, & blogging.  I guess we’re always learning & practicing, as one day one of those pipe dreams might just come true.

Have you had a chance to think about your New Year’s resolutions for 2017? I’d love to hear them & find out how you got on with your goals from this year.


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