And welcome to Country Bumpkin Chic!
My name’s Becky Wren a country bumpkin at heart living in the beautiful countryside of sunny Dorset.
Country Bumpkin Chic (CBC) launched in July 2010 as a place for me to showcase my sewing creations following an evening dressmaking course. Over the years, CBC has developed into a lifestyle blog featuring all things country bumpkin related from festivals to baking, kitsch things I love and the big outdoors. Oh, and the odd blog post about my horses Jonty and Barley.
I hope you enjoy the Country Bumpkin Chic blog and I look forward to reading your comments. Please feel free to drop me an email (Rebecca_Wren@hotmail.co.uk) about anything at all. If you have a product, shop, restaurant, gig or album you’d like me to feature let me know.
To keep updated on all things Country Bumpkin Chic related why not follow my blog on Bloglovin’, Email or Facebook – simply click on the social icons on the home page.
Thank you for reading!